
Wordpress field "description".
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Author:  dstepanov [ May 14th, 2016, 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Wordpress field "description".

Hello Freddy!
I have some problem after TM updates posts on my WP blog.
The problem is:
TM when fetches posts from WP blog didn't take "Title" and "Description" that is made for searching engines, for example, with platinum seo pack, so after updating posts, for example, with new links it deleting "Description" field at all and changes "Title" field with the title that is shown for users on WP pages. In "Title" field that is made for search engines there are additional info, for example, FullHD, alternative titles, if it is film, and other key words
Can you do something, so TM didn't update those fields?

Author:  Freddy [ May 14th, 2016, 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wordpress field "description"

I will need URL and login details to take a look.

Author:  Freddy [ May 17th, 2016, 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wordpress field "description".

The "Description" had a small bug. Fixed and it will be fetched and edited fine for 1.22. You will need to correctly re-fetch all posts for that blog (just remove the user and add it again).

The "Title for search engines" is working as indented. People asked that program would update the "title for search engines" to be the same as subject when editing. If you change the subject you will have bad "title for search engines" (they won't match and be incorrect).

That "additional info" you should put in tags (keywords) field separated by commas.

Author:  dstepanov [ May 17th, 2016, 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wordpress field "description".


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